Maryna Romanenko
Sebastian Aeschbach
Oxana Kobzar
Tania Bilyk
Olena Neskorod
Inna Decreme
Victoria Hladilova
Simon Brunschwig
Association D (the previous name Association D was changed on the 1st of March 2023) was created on 8 September 2017 as an independent association governed by its statutes and by articles 60 to 79 of the Swiss Civil Code. Its Executive Committee is independent of government authorities, politically independent and non-denominational. Association D is an institution headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, which is exempt from ICC and DFI taxes for non-profit utility and public service.
Any individuals and any legal entities who donate to the Association D can deduct the amount of the donation from their tax return. Cash or in-kind donations can be deducted. The representative of the Association D must provide its donors with a certificate of donations when the amount of the donation exceeds CHF 100.- per year. Please email us at hc.d-noitaicossa%40ofni to request your donation certificate.